Working with JSONs, CSS transitions/transformations/animations, manipulating CSS properties, and other nonsense.

Mini KH Tool

Here I have ripped some of the guts out of my Kingdom Hearts Reference repository to show off what I did. You can find the entire tool here (though it's still a work in progress).

You will see below examples of CSS tranforms, transitions, animations, and DOM manipulation from my JavaScript. The data to be displayed in the tables you'll see is stored in a JSON object that I'm making the AJAX request to pull. I did a console.log() for the JSON data so you can see it in the developer's console.

One last thought: These modals were made purely with CSS. One flaw they have is that you can't close them by clicking oustide of the modal. At some point I'm going to turn them into JavaScript modals and make clicking out possible. When I do, I'll remove this message.

JavaScript Source:

CSS Source: